麦盖提世界和平公园鸟瞰图 Bird View of Markit World Peace Park
背景 Background
人类社会从诞生之初在得到自然丰厚赐予的同时,也面对着来自自然的各种灾害和威胁,之后又常常面对着人与人之间的相互残杀。特别是进入20 世纪的第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战,给人类几乎带来了毁灭性的灾难。人类社会也因此而无时无刻不在祈求世界和平,祈求天下太平,黎民安居乐业,国家繁荣富强。
From the very beginning of their first appearance, while receiving blessings from the nature, human beings have been facing disasters and threats, and even frequent fratricide among different races. In particular, the WWI and WWII in the twentieth century had once brought mankind catastrophic destructions. Therefore, human beings have never stopped praying for peace of the world, for their well-being, and for rich and prosperity of their nations.
刀郎文化传承人正在演唱 Dolan Culture Inheritors’ s singing performance |
歌舞剧《永恒的刀郎》剧照 Stills of Musical "Eternal Dolan" |
秋天的原始胡杨林场 Original Populus Forest in Autumn
刀郎湖风光 Dolan Lake Scenery
中华民族是有着5000 多年历史的民族,历来崇尚和平。由于中华民族有着辽阔的疆域,各族人民共同生活于一地,因而历史上战争不断,分分合合,但对和平的渴求与珍爱则是一个永恒的主题。麦盖提县的维吾尔族刀郎人崇尚团结友善、坚韧不拔、包容开放、和平共处的刀郎精神,和平是刀郎人永恒的追求。
The Chinese people have a history of more than 5000 years. They always believe in peace and love. Since Chinese people were born with vast territory and many ethnic groups living together sharing the great land, wars and conflicts among them occurred quite frequently in the history. But their pursuit for peace and love is nevertheless an eternal ideal. Uyghur Dolan people of Markit County advocate Dolan Spirits, admiring solidarity, friendship, perseverance, tolerance, openness, and peaceful coexistence. Peace is Dolan people’s eternal pursuit.
Camel caravan traveling in the sunset Taklimakan desert
Locating in the southwestern Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Markit County is in the middle-lower reach of Yarkand River and Tizinafu River and adjacent to the southwest edge of the Taklimakan Desert and to the eastern part of Kashi City. It has a total area of 15,200 square kilometers and a population of 300,000, of which 82% is Uygur ethnic group. Markit County is the birthplace of "Dolan culture" and the hometown of Madam Armannishahan - "mother of Uygur dance". "Dolan Maixi Lai Fu" and "Dolan Muqam" have been recognized as world-class, state-level intangible cultural heritage protection project by UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture of People’s Republic of China respectively. Markit has rich tourism resources of ethnic folk cultures and desert views. Swedish explorer Sven Hedin had entered Taklimakan desert twice through Markit and discovered "Kroraina" – the ancient city of Lolan. In 1993, departing from Markit, Sino-British Joint Expedition team visited Taklimakan desert.
麦盖提世界和平公园开园场景之一 Opening Ceremony of Markit World Peace Park
In early 2014, Markit World Peace Park started construction planned by Shanghai Qinghe Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and invested by Markit County People’s Government. The large Opening Ceremony was successfully held on December 31, 2014.
“麦盖提世界和平公园”占地1800 亩,总投资约2 亿元人民币。麦盖提世界和平公园已建成的主要项目有:刻有近50 位世界各国政要关于“和平”主题题词的“和平墙”;“和平”主题雕塑;花钟;刻有“和为贵”篆刻印章的昆仑石;刀郎展览馆;18 个露天国际象棋盘(角);刻有130 余位中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士书法的“院士翰墨长廊”;18 位中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士亲植胡杨树的“院士林”;拥有近200 面各国国旗的和平广场以及刻有66 种世界各国“和平”母语和23 种中华民族各民族“和平”母语的“和平钟”等。
Markit World Peace Park project covers an area of 1800 Mu (about 100 acres) with a total investment of RMB 200 millions. The finished facilities in the park include: the Peace Wall with personal inscriptions by 50 state government leaders, Peace Theme Sculpture, Flower Clock, Kunlun Stone Seal with "Harmony is Precious" carving, Dolan Museum, 18 Outdoor International Chess Boards, "Academician Calligraphy Corridor" engraved with calligraphies written by more than 130 academicians at Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, "Academician Forest" of populus planted by 18 academicians, the Peace Square decorated with about 200 national flags of different countries, the Peace Bell carved with the word PEACE in 66 native foreign languages and 23 Chinese ethnic group dialects.
和平墙 Peace Wall
由汉白玉构成的“和平墙”位于和平广场正前方,背依和平湖。墙的正面目前已镌刻有近50 位世界各国政要以“和平”为主题的题词(手迹),并同时被译刻成维吾尔语和汉语。
Made of white marble, the Peace Wall is located right in the front of the Peace Square, taking the Peace Lake as its background. The front of the wall shows the personal inscriptions on the theme of peace by 50 state government leaders of different countries, and all the inscriptions are translated into Chinese and Uygur.
The Peace Wall engraved with personal theme inscriptions on Peace by government leaders of different countries
Inscription by H.E. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan
Inscription by H.E. Abdulla Yameen, President of Maldives
日本前首相鸠山友纪夫题词:和平 自立 共生 友爱
Inscription by H.E. Yukio Hatoyama, former Prime Minister of Japan
Inscription by H.E. Mary McAleese, former President of Ireland
德国前总理科尔题词:为和平的21 世纪致以良好的祝愿!
Inscription by H.E. Helmut Kohl, former Premier of Germany
Inscription by H.E. Branko Crvenkovski, former President of Macedonia
Inscription by H.E. Faure Essozimna Gnassingbe, President of Togo
Inscription from H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia
Inscription by H.E. Hifikepunye Pohamba, former President of Namibia
Inscription by H.E. Ludwig Scotty, former President of Nauru
Inscription by H.E. Ham Lini, former Prime Minister of Vanuatu
Inscription by H.E. Baldwin Spencer, former Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda
Inscription by H.E. Julio María Sanguinetti, former President of Uruguay
和平钟 Peace Bell
金属材质,以纯手工工艺铸造的“和平钟”重约5 吨,钟上镌刻有66 种世界各国“和平”母语和23 种中华民族各民族“和平”母语。从2014 年开始,每年12 月31 日都在此举行隆重庄严的“祝愿世界和平迎新年撞钟活动”。
Made from metal and hand cast, the Peace Bell weights 5 tons with the word "peace" carving in 66 native languages of different countries and in 23 Chinese ethnic dialects. To pray for world peace, an annual Peace Bell- Ringing Ceremony is held every December 31 since 2014.
各国母语和平文字集锦 Peace in different languages
“流光溢彩”的和平钟楼 Ambilight Peace Bell Tower
2015 年12 月31 日,厄瓜多尔驻华大使何塞·博尔哈先生敲响“2016 祝愿世界和平迎新年钟声”
Mr. José M. Borja L., Ecuador Ambassador to China striking the Peace Bell for 2016 World Peace on December 31, 2015
刀郎展览馆 Dolan Museum
The Dolan Museum has two floors. The upper floor is Markit County Planning Exhibition Hall and the lower floor is Dolan Folk Culture Museum and Exhibition Hall. "Crossing Stars River" Paintings & Calligraphies Exhibition by Chinese Academicians, World in the Eyes of Chinese Ambassadors Exhibition, Nobel Science Prizes Exhibition and State Guests To China –Xu Genshun Photography Exhibition were once held here.
刀郎展览馆 Dolan Museum
Scenery of the exhibition of "Crossing Xinghe (Stars) River" Paintings & Calligraphies by Chinese Academicians
Ambassador Yao Peisheng (Left 1) and Ambassador Liu Zhentang (Left 2) are visiting the exhibition of World in the Eyes of Chinese Ambassadors
2015 年12 月31 日,巴基斯坦驻华公使穆塔兹·扎拉·博楼女士、国务院新闻办原主任赵启正先生(右一)、中共麦盖提县委书记文福来先生(右二)和麦盖提县人民政府县长阿布都艾尼·居买先生(左一)共同为巴基斯坦总统侯赛因“和平”主题题词揭幕
Peace Inscription Unveiling Ceremony of Pakistan President H.E. Mamnoon Hussain, jointly unveiled by Madam Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, Minister Counselor of Pakistan, Mr. Zhao Qizheng, former Director of News Office for State Council, Mr. Wen Fulai, CCP Secretary of Markit County and Mr. Abuduaini Jumai, Mayor of Markit County People’s Government on December 31, 2015
以各国国花为元素构建的直径达15 米的和平花钟。
The Peace Flower Clock is built with different national flower pattern as background design elements and its diameter is about 15 meters.
和平雕塑 Peace Sculpture
征集世界各国艺术家以“和平”为主题创作的代表性雕塑落户麦盖提世界和平公园。目前已有中国著名艺术家林曦明先生创作的《和平之春》、保加利亚艺术家Harry Horhaik Arabyan 先生和Kiril Iliev Mateev 先生创作的三尊雕塑落成。
Sculptural Masterpieces on the theme of world peace are collected and exhibited at the Peace Park. Now, three sculptures have been completed, including Spring of Peace by famous Chinese artist Mr. Lin Ximing, Masterpiece by Bulgarian artist Mr. Harry Horhaik Arabyan and Masterpiece by Bulgarian artist Mr. Kiril Iliev Mateev.
和平湖畔的《和平之春》雕塑 Sculpture Spring of Peace by the Peace Lake
保加利亚艺术家Harry Horhaik Arabyan“和平”主题雕塑 Sculpture by Bulgarian artist Mr. Harry Horhaik Arabyan |
保加利亚艺术家Kiril Iliev Mateev“和平”主题雕塑
Sculpture by Bulgarian artist Mr. Kiril Iliev Mateev |
Unveiling of "HE WEI GUI" (Peace is precious) Seal by artist Mr. Liu Yiwen and his wife
“院士林”秋天景致 Autumn Scenery of Academician Forest
参加“2015 院士春秋论坛”的两院院士在“院士林”前合影
A photo of Academicians participating in 2015 Academician Forum before Academician Forest
国际象棋角 International Chess Boards Corner
盛开的向日葵 Blooming Sunflower
玫瑰园 Rose Garden
石榴园 Pomegranate Garden
“院士翰墨长廊” Academician Calligraphy Corridor
斯文·赫定 Mr. Sven Hedin